What one thing can I do,

which would do the most good

for the most people?

I think that giving people the power to find fulfillment no matter what is happening in their life would be the absolute most good I could do for them.

And I think that the best way to give this to the most people is by providing an online space where people not only learn how to do this, but also where they pay it forward by helping others to do the same.

To do that I developed Mindfulness Pathfinding and The Source.

The person most qualified to give you advice on how to maximize fulfillment in your life isn’t me, it is you...at the deeper, non-conscious level of yourself.

The guidance of your non-conscious mind


The fear-based interference of your brain


The fulfillment you get in your life

Pathfinding reduces the interference of you brain (Pilot), by reconnecting him/her to your non-conscious mind (Pathfinder).

How would it feel to know from experience that no matter what you want to do, or have to do; no matter what happens in your life, you will always be able to find fulfillment?

And how would it feel to pass that sense of self efficacy on to others?

Because in my vision, you learn by teaching others, and each person you help, pays it forward by teaching other people how to maximize fulfillment in their daily life through Pathfinding.

Pathfinding is:

Mindfulness outside the box; without borders.

Mindfulness that transforms the argument you are having with your significant other.

Mindfulness that transforms the struggle you’re having with the important proposal you are working on.

Mindfulness that gets you a better outcome for the scheduling problem that has just cropped up?

But all begins with you, today, in your own life, learning to use Pathfinding for what’s important to you.

This is how you help change the current zeitgeist of victimization and divisiveness.

Copyright 2021 by Peter M Fellows. All Rights Reserved.

Mindfulness Pathfinding


“Maximize fulfillment in whatever you do.”

Text me at: 914 - 275 - 8238

Email me at: petermfellows@gmail.com