The man behind

the madness that is:

Mindfulness Pathfinding


The Possibilities Workshop

Copyright 2021 by Peter M Fellows. All Rights Reserved.

Mindfulness Pathfinding


“Making a difference in your daily life every day”

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i have never been a monk. Not even for two years.

I do not have a PhD. Not even an M.A.

What I do have is over forty years of continous research, development, and practice in the Human Potential field.

And while I never took any brand name training, I studied, explored, deconstructed, tweaked, and taught:

Mantra meditation (Nichren Shoshu, Transcendental Meditation, The Relaxation Response)

Body Scanning (Swami Rama)

Theta reverie (Menninger Foundation, my own DREM Reverie)


Alpha thinking (Silva Mind Control, Mind Dynamics, Mind Awareness)

In 1977 I began my pioneering work in lucid dreaming, and in 1988 was a chapter contributor (alongside Charles Tart, Patricia Garfield, Judy Malamud, Alan Worsley, Paul Tholey...) to the seminal text on the subject: CONSCIOUS MIND, SLEEPING BRAIN, eds. Stephen LaBerge, Jayne Gackenbach.

On the wild side, I taught the use of meditation to explore, Precognition, Telepathy, Remote Viewing, Remote Healing, Out-of-Body Experiences, Past Life Recall and more.

My wife Jeanne and I developed and taught a workshop on this approach which we later wrote up in our book: BEYOND INTUITION.

And I chronicled my adventures in consciousness in my book: BENEVOLENT SYNCHRONICITY AND THE PSYCHIC SELF, The Meaning and Purpose of Psychic Ability.

In Canada I also worked as a Youth Worker for the City of Ottawa, did retail sales for The Hudson Bay Company, was part of the mobile museum project: The Discovery Train, worked for a land development company, and as an adminstrator in a Housing Cooperative.

And in 1987 we moved to the States to manage Jeanne's family business: Walter’s Hotdogs.

I mention all this to clarify that I am not an ivory tower academic. Everything I am offering you, while informed by my extensive research and experience, I’ve road-tested.

I am an idealist, but I am a pragmatic idealist.

The primary rule of The Possibilities Workshop is: “Do what works.”

Mindfulness Pathfinding does that. It works.

With my wife, Jeanne.